Common CSV Importer Plus Pro for ACF Logs & Fixes

It’s always a good idea to create a small test CSV file and test your CSV import process. Once you get the hang of it, you can proceed with the full import. During the import process, the plugin will display logs if some field data is not imported successfully. In this post, we will look at what the log messages mean, how to fix your CSV according to the logs, and how to successfully import the data into these fields.

1. “The CSV file contains duplicate column names”

This error occurs when your CSV file includes identical names for different columns. The CSV Importer Plus for ACF plugin requires unique column names. Please review and update your CSV file to ensure all column names are unique. For reference, you can compare your CSV with the sample provided here: Download Sample CSV File.

2. “Invalid post status:”

This log indicates that an invalid post status has been used in your CSV. You can use the following valid post statuses:

  • publish
  • future
  • draft
  • pending
  • private
  • trash

For convenience, you can use the following user-friendly alternatives:

  • published instead of publish
  • scheduled or schedule instead of future

3. “Protocol mismatch detected”

You may encounter this error when importing images or ACF file fields. It means that the protocol (http:// or https://) used in your CSV file does not match your website’s protocol. Update your CSV file to use the correct protocol that matches your website.

4. “Image not found or invalid path”

This log indicates that the image URL is incorrect. Please verify the image URL and update it accordingly in your CSV.

5. “File not found for “

This error is similar to the previous one, but specific to an ACF field. Please verify the file or image URL and update it accordingly in your CSV.

6. “Failed to register image in the Media Library:”

This error indicates that the registration process was interrupted. Please try importing again. If the error persists, feel free to contact us for assistance.

7. “External URL not supported, won’t upload to media library”

This log indicates that the plugin does not register or upload images from external URLs. To import images using the CSV Importer Plus for ACF plugin, you must either:

  • Upload the images to the WordPress media library beforehand, or
  • Ensure the images are hosted within your domain.

The plugin will then automatically upload or register the images in the WordPress media library.

8. “File extension not allowed”

This log occurs when the file extension is not included in the allowed types set in your ACF file field settings. To fix this:

  • Add the file extension to the allowed list, or
  • Leave the “Allowed File Types” field empty in the ACF file field settings.

9. “File type not allowed for field”

This log means that WordPress does not permit this file type to be uploaded.

10. “Term not found for slug in taxonomy”

This log occurs when you are trying to assign a taxonomy term that does not exist. Please ensure the taxonomy term exists and use its correct slug in your CSV file.

11. “Error creating a new author with email. Using current author”

This error means the email you provided in the CSV is already associated with an existing author account. As a result, the plugin is using the current user account to import the data.

12. “Failed to find post with ID. Update aborted” or “Post ID is an attachment. Update aborted”

This log indicates an issue with the provided post ID. Please verify that the post ID is correct and update your CSV accordingly.

13. “Failed to update post with ID. Error”

If you encounter this error, restart the import process. The same applies to the “Failed to insert post with title. Error” log. If the issue persists, feel free to contact us for assistance.


Understanding the common log errors and their solutions can make your CSV import process smoother and more efficient. By carefully reviewing your CSV file and following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to troubleshoot and resolve most issues that may arise during the import. Remember, if you encounter persistent errors, don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance. Happy importing, and may your data import experience be seamless and hassle-free!

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